Research focus
My current focus revolves around understanding the physiological and metabolic mechanisms that can be strategically targeted to mitigate muscle mass loss in cancer cachexia.
Background and experience
I completed an MSc in Biomedicine in 2017, and my professional journey has spanned diverse fields of interest, including botany, embryology, transgenic technologies, and now culminates in the realm of metabolism.
Working at the IMS-MRL
I began my journey at IMS-MRL in 2022 as a Research Animal Technician within the Disease Model Core. Later, I transitioned to the Histopathology Core as a Biomedical Technician before becoming a Research Assistant. My consistent aspiration has been to contribute to long-term research projects, such as the ones I am presently involved in. The Institute, along with its management, has played a pivotal role in enabling me to achieve this goal.