Research focus
The overall aim of my research is to describe atypical metabolism by comparing metabolic disorders to healthy control data.
I became interested in clinical research in my final year of my BSc when we studied clinical populations. This led me to an MSc at Exeter specialising in Paediatrics and brought me to Cambridge as part of the field team at MRC Epidemiology.
In 2010 I moved to the Cambridge Clinical Research Facility and began my research in metabolic disorders and where I began working with IMS investigators Prof Chatterjee and Prof Savage under the guidance of Dr Peter Murgatroyd. Since then I have gained a Phd from Cambridge and continue my research in collaboration with IMS investigators and provide expertise on energy expenditure and body composition methodology.
Current projects
In collaboration with NIHR Bioresource I am continuing the work recently published with Prof Tim Cole from UCL combining childhood and adult energy expenditure data into a seamless regression model, generating centiles for resting metabolic rate through the life course.
As part of the rare thyroid disorder programme in IMS (PI Chatterjee), we have undertaken serial measurements of resting metabolic rate, to guide thyroxine therapy of Resistance to Thyroid Hormone alpha or TRIAC treatment to limit hyperthyroid features in RTHbeta
In collaboration with Dr Kirsten Rennie (MRC Epidemiology) we are exploring heart rate and movement behaviours in children, adults and patients with resistance to thyroid hormone disorders and investigating the differences in movement behaviours pre and post treatment. We are also validating a new wrist worn heart rate and movement device in healthy children, adults and patients.
I am also collaborating with NCCU developing body composition and energy expenditure techniques to monitor and predict nutrition strategies for TBI patients.
Best Clinical Poster – Society of Endocrinology
Young International Investigator of the Year 2015 – Society of Clinical Densitometry