Research focus
My main research interest focuses on neuroendocrinology, in particular the brain circuits controlling energy homeostasis and reproduction, and how they interconnect in physiological and pathophysiological conditions.
Background and experience
I became interested in neuroscience after my Biological Sciences bachelor’s degree at the university or Rome La Sapienza in Italy, this led me to get a master in neurobiology at the University of Turin where I worked on adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb. My interests then narrowed to neuroendocrinology during my PhD in France (University of Lille) where I studied the neuronal circuits controlling reproductive functions in physiological and pathophysiological conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Working at the IMS-MRL
I have worked at the IMS-MRL for several years as a research associate. During this time, I have expanded and consolidated my skills in omics techniques and energy homeostasis in rodents.
My current projects cover the study of changes and adaptations of neuroendocrine axes in response to stressful stimuli like sickness or diseases using both in vivo models and molecular biology.