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Institute of Metabolic Science

Metabolic Research Laboratories

Research Interests:

Human obesity is a disease of brain pathways controlling appetite. Our aim is to help characterize these pathways to eventually develop safe and efficient weight-loss therapies. We employ a multi-disciplinary approach to define how nutritional signals are detected by the brain to maintain energy and glucose homeostasis in health and disease.

Brain protein sensing

A major focus of our research programme is to define the role of the brain in amino acid homeostasis. Half of the amino acids, building blocks for proteins, cannot be synthesised by mammalian cells and must be obtained through the diet; shortage in these essential amino acids rapidly drives protein hunger. Conversely, high circulating levels of amino acids can promote metabolic and neurological diseases; mammals have evolved strategies to putatively avoid chronic amino acid excess, including the robust satiety response to high-protein diets.

We work on the hypothesis that homeostatic mechanisms regulate peripheral amino acid availability to maintain nutritional homeostasis and survival. Our goal is to understand how the mammalian brain senses peripheral amino acid availability and produces behaviour and metabolic responses allowing the maintenance of amino acid homeostasis. Our prediction is that under conditions of dietary protein excess or shortage, brain protein sensing pathways are prioritised to achieve amino acid homeostasis at the expense of energy homeostasis. By extension, we predict that brain protein sensing pathways might represent effective weight-loss targets.

Median eminence oligodendrocyte plasticity

A second research focus is to identify the role of median eminence oligodendrocytes in energy and glucose homeostasis. We know that energy and glucose homeostasis rely on the ability of specialised hypothalamic circuits to respond to changes in peripheral levels of nutritional and metabolic signals, but how neurons accurately monitor peripheral concentrations of these signals is unclear.

Oligodendrocytes are myelin forming cells that ensheathe axons to allow rapid saltatory conduction of action potentials. Oligodendrocytes are normally long-lived in the healthy brain, but rapidly turnover in the median eminence, the brain region through which hypothalamic neurons access blood signals, leading to rapid myelin renewal. We work on the hypothesis that nutrient sensing by median eminence oligodendrocytes promotes structural remodelling in neuroendocrine circuits, tuning their activity and sensitivity to metabolic signals. In addition, we propose that hypothalamic myelin represents peripheral energy availability and regulates neuroendocrine functions to promote energy homeostasis.  

Group Members:

Dr Thomas Brown, Research Associate - tb807 at 

Dr Anthony Tsang, Research Associate - at783 at 


Medical Research Council 

Diabetes UK 


Key publications: 

Cav3.1 is a leucine sensor in POMC neurons mediating appetite suppression and weight loss. Anthony H. Tsang, Nicholas Heeley, Constanza Alcaino, Eunsang Hwang, Brian Y. Lam, Taufiq Rahman, Tamana Darwish, Danae Nuzzaci, Richard G. Kay, Amar Sarkar, Ruiyan Wang, Nihal Basha, Austin Punnoose, Peter Kirwan, Marcella Ma, Giles S. Yeo, Florian T. Merkle, Fiona M. Gribble, Frank Reimann, Kevin Williams, Clemence Blouet. Preprint.

Adult oligodendrogenesis gates arcuate neuronal glucose sensing through remodelling of the blood-hypothalamus barrier via ADAMTS4. Sophie Buller, Emily Staricoff, Christine Riches, Anthony Tsang, Masa Josipovic, Kentaro Ikemura, Gabriel Opoku, Ikumi Sato, Satoshi Hirohata, Saskia Stenzel, Stuart Nayar, Marta Ramos Vega, Jacob Hecksher-Sorensen, Sebastian Timmler, Georgina Dowsett, Brian Lam, Giles S.H. Yeo, Kimberly M. Alonge, Huiliang Li, William D. Richardson, Mark L. Evans, Clemence Blouet. Preprint.

Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Receptor Signalling in Oligodendrocytes Increases the Weight Loss Action of GLP-1R Agonism. Robert Hansford, Sophie Buller, Anthony H. Tsang, Simon Benoit, Anna Roberts, Emmy Erskine, Valentina Pirro, Frank Reimann, Noria Harada, Nobuya Inagaki, Alice Adrienssens, Ricardo Samms, Clemence Blouet. Preprint.

Median eminence myelin continuously turns over in adult mice. Buller S, Kohnke S, Hansford R, Shimizu T, Richardson WD, Blouet C. Mol Metab, 2023. PMID: 36739968 PMCID: PMC9950957

Nutritional regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation regulates perineuronal net remodeling in the median eminence. Kohnke S, Buller S, Nuzzaci D, Ridley K, Lam B, Pivonkova H, Bentsen MA, Alonge KM, Zhao C, Tadross J, Holmqvist S, Shimizo T, Hathaway H, Li H, Macklin W, Schwartz MW, Richardson WD, Yeo GSH, Franklin RJM, Karadottir RT, Rowitch DH, Blouet C. Cell Report, 2021 PMID: 34260928 PMCID: PMC8293628

Nutrient sensing in the nucleus of the solitary tract mediates non-aversive suppression of feeding via inhibition of AgRP neurons. Anthony H Tsang , Danae Nuzzaci,  Tamana Darwish, Havish Samudrala, Clémence Blouet. Mol Metab 2020 PMID: 32898712 PMCID: PMC7549147

Calcitonin Receptor Neurons in the Mouse Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Control Energy Balance via the Non-aversive Suppression of Feeding. Cheng W, Gonzalez I, Pan W, Tsang AH, Adams J, Ndoka E, Gordian D, Khoury B, Roelofs K, Evers SS, MacKinnon A, Wu S, Frikke-Schmidt H, Flak JN, Trevaskis JL, Rhodes CJ, Fukada SI, Seeley RJ, Sandoval DA, Olson DP, Blouet C, Myers MG Jr. Cell Metab. 2020 PMID: 31955990 PMCID: PMC7104375

Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Receptor-Expressing Cells in the Hypothalamus Regulate Food Intake.Adriaenssens AE, Biggs EK, Darwish T, Tadross J, Sukthankar T, Girish M, Polex-Wolf J, Lam BY, Zvetkova I, Pan W, Chiarugi D, Yeo GSH, Blouet C, Gribble FM, Reimann F. Cell Metab. 2019 PMID: 31447324 PMCID: PMC6838660

Mapping neuronal inputs to Kiss1 neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the mouse.Yeo SH, Kyle V, Blouet C, Jones S, Colledge WH. PLoS One. 2019 PMID: 30917148 PMCID: PMC6436706

Rapid sensing of l-leucine by human and murine hypothalamic neurons: Neurochemical and mechanistic insights. Heeley N,  Kirwan P,   Darwish T,   Arnaud M,  Evans ML,   Merkle FT,   Reimann F,   Gribble FM,   Blouet C. Mol Metab. 2018 PMID: 29439854 PMCID: PMC5985239

mTORC1 in AGRP neurons integrates exteroceptive and interoceptive food-related cues in the modulation of adaptive energy expenditure in mice. Burke LK,   Darwish T,  Cavanaugh AR ,  Virtue S,  Roth E,  Morro J,  Liu SM ,  Xia J,  Dalley JW,  Burling K ,  Chua S,  Vidal-Puig A ,  Schwartz GJ ,  Blouet C. eLife, 2017 PMID: 28532548 PMCID: PMC5441868

Programme Leader, MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit
Institute of Metabolic Science
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge
photo of clemence blouet

Contact Details

Clare Hall