Research at the Institute of Metabolic Science-Metabolic Research Laboratories is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms responsible for obesity and related metabolic diseases, with the specific aims of undertaking high quality basic science and clinical research to improve understanding of, and develop interventions, to prevent and treat these conditions.
It encompasses scientists working across the full spectrum of experimental approaches including cell biology, genetics, functional genomics, electrophysiology, animal models, basic and human neuroscience and experimental medicine. A major aim of the Institute is to facilitate cross-disciplinary interactions between basic and clinical scientists to maximise the impact of our research and improve the quality of patient care.
Our investigators range from basic scientists undertaking underpinning research on fundamental aspects of cellular metabolism to clinical neuro-scientists investigating human appetitive behaviour. Together, this creates a wide range of basic, clinical and translational research expertise and a superbly enriching research environment that benefits from established links with research institutes throughout the Cambridge area, such as with the MRC Epidemiology Unit and Wellcome Sanger Institute among others.
Being embedded within a University of Cambridge department, the IMS-MRL follows University policies on Research Integrity and Research Governance.
Cambridge Metabolism, is hosted within the Institute of Metabolic Science, and promotes metabolic research activities and events among the broad academic research community in Cambridge, including members of all six Schools of the University and key regional partner organisations.