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Institute of Metabolic Science

Metabolic Research Laboratories
picture of a pregnant belly

We are delighted to have been part of this groundbreaking Diabetes UK-funded study into safety & benefits of a reduced calorie diet in late pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes.

The Dietary Intervention in Gestational Diabetes (DiGest) trial involved researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Leicester, and was led by Professor Claire Meek, now Professor of Chemical Pathology & Diabetes in Pregnancy at Leicester Diabetes Unit and University of Leicester - previously a PI at the IMS-MRL, and Dr Laura Kusinski, also now at Leicester and previously a post-doc at the IMS-MRL.

Researchers across the IMS - both the MRC Epidemiology Unit and the Metabolic Research Laboratories have been involved including Danielle Jones as well as Nooria Atta, Elizabeth Turner and Suzanne Smith.

The results, which will be presented at the Diabetes UK 2025 Professional Conference at the end of March in Glasgow, lay the foundation for new clinical support that could help thousands of women with gestational diabetes avoid the challenges of insulin treatment and improve health for them and their babies.


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